Well, I misunderstood the purpose of Nakano-ku City Promotion.
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Well, I misunderstood the purpose of Nakano-ku City Promotion.
When it comes to city promotion, Kumamoto Prefecture’s Kumamon is famous.
“Kumamon” was a big hit with Yuru-chara, and the economic effect was wonderful.
I was dragged to this image.
However, if you read the purpose of Nakano-ku City Promotion carefully, the purpose is written in the first two sentences.
In order to improve “attachment and pride (Civic Pride)” to Nakano-ku, we will encourage the residents to re-acknowledge the charm of the ward.
At the same time, we will build a cooperative relationship to strengthen our ability to attract customers and disseminate information, and promote the creation of a vibrant community by increasing the willingness of each individual to participate.
In other words, the economic effect is not directly requested.
We are asking the people of Nakano for attachment and pride in Nakano-ku, and eventually we are seeking “a vibrant town development.”
I finally realized that we are developing city promotions with a noble philosophy.
That’s why Nakano-ku focused on appealing to the ward last year.
In addition to sending out information via SNS, I finally understood the reasons for holding events to create a place for children with the shopping district of Nakano, and for the community collaboration workshop.
Recently, we have been making wonderful posters for each area of Nakano-ku to encourage awareness of the charm of the ward.
I thought that many people, including myself, did not understand the purpose.
It’s a great philosophy.
Good luck in Nakano-ku.
The philosophy becomes action, and the action leads the fate of Nakano-ku.
By the way, “Kumamon” is said to have been criticized at first.
“Don’t spend taxes on unknown bears” or “If your character is a bear, it’s a rural thing.”
But in the end, it was a great success.
Reference URL https://www.zeiri4.com/c_1032/n_706/:
I think that there are various problems, but I would like You to succeed in Nakano-san and make Nakano-ku a more vibrant city.
Note: February 12, 2020
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